Connect Saint Helena Ltd would like to advise that the Highways Authority has given approval for the road from Youngs Valley to the junction at McDaniel’s Shop to be closed to ALL vehicles and pedestrians for a period of two weeks, commencing Monday, 12th June 2023 until Friday, 23rd June 2023.
The road will be closed from Monday to Friday each week, excluding weekends from 9:00 to 15:30 and will be reinstated each afternoon after the daily works, to ensure that traffic is able to travel this road safely. This road closure is to allow contractor, Fullers SAS, to carry out excavation works in the road to accommodate a new bulk water main. There will be NO access whilst the road is closed. Residents and vehicular traffic including emergency services who wish to gain access to the lower and upper Cleughs Plain areas, will need to use the diversion route via Sunnyside or Guinea Grass. Signage will be in place to notify pedestrians and vehicular traffic of the road closure and diversion routes. Connect Saint Helena Ltd thanks the public for their cooperation. The Connect enquiry line at Seales Corner 22255 can be contacted should customers have any enquiries. Comments are closed.
October 2024