Terms and Conditions of ServiceConditions of Supply of Electrical Energy
1 Supply: Electricity will be supplied in accordance with the provisions of the Electricity Ordinance Cap 107 and Electricity Regulations for the time being in force. The supply provided will normally be 230 Volts, single phase, 50 Hz alternating current but a 400/230 Volts 3-phase four wire alternating current supply may be made available if the load justifies this. 2 Meters: Metering equipment will be provided by Connect Saint Helena Ltd. The consumer shall pay the appropriate fee for the rent of the meter. If the meter is found in any quarter to have ceased to register, or have registered incorrectly, the consumer shall pay, for the energy supplied for such quarter, a reasonable sum based on the readings of any meter formerly or subsequently installed on his premises, due regard being given to any changes in the character of the installation and any change in consumption, and any adjustments rendered necessary, owing to the meter having ceased to register or having registered incorrectly, shall be made only in respect of the energy supplied during such quarter. 3 Service Lines: The consumer shall contribute towards the cost of any lines or apparatus required to provide the supply, but the lines and apparatus so provided will remain the property of Connect Saint Helena Ltd and may be used for supplying other consumers. 4 Wiring Regulations: The consumer’s installation must be carried out and maintained in accordance with the requirements of the Electricity Regulations Cap 107. 5 Payment: It is agreed by the consumer and Connect Saint Helena Ltd respectively, that the rates of charge for electrical energy supplied by Connect Saint Helena Ltd to the consumer shall (subject to the minimum payment required) be those in force from time to time as approved by the Regulator. Accounts will be rendered quarterly. If accounts are not paid within twenty eight days of the account’s being rendered, Connect Saint Helena Ltd may disconnect the supply without further notice. Should the Consumer fail to make full settlement of the amount owing to Connect Saint Helena Ltd within 28 days of the date shown on the account, Connect Saint Helena Ltd may charge interest at the rate of 0.75% per month (or part of) on the outstanding amount due on a month by month basis until the outstanding amount and the accumulated interest is paid in full. Where enforcement action is required to enforce a debt the cost of such action can be charged to the Customer. 6 General: Connect Saint Helena Ltd shall not be liable for any loss of or damage to, property in consequence of any failure, total or partial, to supply electricity (including a failure to supply at the agreed voltage), or for any other defect in such supply, when such failure or defect was due to any of the following causes:- (a) tempest, violence, strikes, inevitable accident or other unavoidable cause, or force majeure; (b) breakdown of any part of the electricity works, machinery or electric lines; (c) fair wear and tear; (d) the reasonable requirements of the electric system; (e) any other cause beyond the control of Connect Saint Helena Ltd, Provided that such immunity from liability shall not extend to any case where the failure or defect in the supply of electricity which caused the loss of, or damage to, property is proved to have been due to fault or negligence of Connect Saint Helena Ltd or any person employed by Connect Saint Helena Ltd in connection with the supply of electricity. 7 Termination of supply: A request to terminate a supply must be given in writing to Connect Saint Helena Ltd by the consumer at least one clear business day before the intended date of termination. Failure to do so renders the consumer liable for payments for electricity supplied up to the date of the next meter reading. 8 Inspection and Testing: Connect Saint Helena Ltd shall cause the inspection and testing of all installations before connection to the supply. No supply will be connected until Connect Saint Helena Ltd have satisfied themselves that the consumer’s installation is in good order and condition and not likely to interfere with supplies to other consumers. The consumer shall inform Connect Saint Helena Ltd of any proposed extensions or alterations of his installation so that the company may make an inspection and test of the extension or alteration. This includes the installation of any PV panels. Approval of an installation does not imply any warranty that the installation is suitable for the consumer’s purposes, and Connect Saint Helena Ltd accepts no responsibility for loss or damage caused by or arising out of any defect in the consumer’s installation. Where it is appropriate and in accordance with the Ordinance and Regulations Connect Saint Helena Ltd reserves the right to disconnect a supply. 9 Improper Use of Supply: If the consumer shall make improper use of the energy supplied so as to interfere with the supply to other consumers or with the distribution of electricity or commit a breach of any of the Conditions to Supply, Connect Saint Helena Ltd reserve the right to discontinue the supply of energy to the consumer with or without notice. 10 Consumers Fittings: Connect Saint Helena Ltd is not responsible for the maintenance of, or repairs to, any wires, lamps, or other appliances belonging to the consumer. 11 Authority’s Apparatus: No person other than a person authorised by Connect Saint Helena Ltd shall be permitted to connect, disconnect, unseal, or in any way interfere with the meters, fuses, cable mains electrical Panel Power Board or other apparatus, the property of Connect Saint Helena situated on the consumer’s premises. 12 Temporary Interruptions: Connect Saint Helena Ltd may temporarily discontinue the supply for purposes of testing or for any other purposes whatsoever connected with the proper working of Connect Saint Helena Ltd’s system, or in the case of emergency affecting or liable to affect the proper working of the system. 13 Revision of Conditions: These Conditions of Supply are subject to alternation, addition or amendment by Connect Saint Helena Ltd at any time upon giving seven days’ notice thereof by public advertisement. Updated March 2022 |
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