Connect Saint Helena Ltd would like to inform consumers that there will be a short power outage today, 30th October from 1:30pm to approximately 2pm affecting consumers at Barn View, Piccolo Hill, Longwood Hangings, Ropery Field, Bottom Woods, the Weather Station, Horse Point Crusher, Bradleys Camp and the Airport. This power outage is to enable Connect staff to reinstate the high voltage earth line to pole.
Connect Saint Helena Ltd thank their customers in Longwood for their patience during this time. Provision of Contract Services for Responding to Call Outs for Electricity Supply Faults on the High Voltage and Low Voltage Distribution Networks
Connect Saint Helena Ltd is calling for Expressions of Interest from suitably qualified Electrical Contractors willing to provide the services listed below on an annual contract basis. Electrical Call-Out Services Required To provide an emergency on call service to Connect Saint Helena Ltd outside of accepted working hours, normally from 16:00 to 08:30 Monday to Friday and on a 24 hour basis on Saturdays, Sundays, Public Holidays and the period between the 27th to 31st December. The Contractor will respond to all requests made from Connect Saint Helena Ltd (normally the Power Station, but call out requests can originate from any member of Connect Saint Helena Staff or the Emergency Services) to investigate and undertake repairs to restore power to affected customers where the fault lies with Connect Saint Helena Ltd’s infrastructure from the HV Bus Bar, located in the 11kV Switchboard at the Rupert’s Power Station, to Customers’ Service Cut-Out Devices. The contract will require for an initial service response to be made within two hours of the call out request and repairs undertaken as speedily as possible. This contract is to be for an initial period of 24 calendar months. Expressions of Interest Interested Contractors are invited to express their interest and to provide information indicating that they are qualified and technically equipped to provide the above services. Contractors should demonstrate their capability to execute the works to specifications that will be issued by Connect Saint Helena Ltd. The Expression of Interest should include a capability statement which should state the following information:
Connect Saint Helena Ltd would like to advise consumers in the Cleughs Plain area that due to repairs to a burst water main, the water will be shut off with immediate effect, affecting consumers in lower and upper Cleughs Plain. This shut off will be in effect until approximately 3pm.
Connect Saint Helena Ltd would like to advise consumers who are fed from the Red Hill Water Treatment Works, that the technical problems experienced yesterday at the Treatment Works have been resolved and the request to reduce water consumption has been lifted.
Connect Saint Helena thank consumers for their cooperation. Connect Saint Helena Ltd are asking consumers who are fed from the Red Hill Water Treatment Works to please reduce their water consumption to essential use only. These areas would include all of St Pauls, Pounceys, Kunjie Field, Cleughs Plain, New Ground, Sapper Way, Half Tree Hollow and Ladder Hill. This urgent request is due to technical problems at the Water Treatment Works. Please be assured that Connect St Helena Ltd are working hard to rectify the situation and we will inform you when the issue has been resolved.
Connect Saint Helena Ltd thank consumers in the Red Hill distribution areas for their cooperation. |
October 2024