Water Networks: Water DistributionThe Team's commitment is:
Water Supply Water distribution is perhaps one of the simplest parts of the water system to explain, but one of the most complicated to achieve. Generally, a single Water Treatment Works and network would be able to supply as many as 10,000 homes. Here on island however, because of our hilly and steep terrain we have four Water Treatment Works and multiple small water distribution networks to serve a mere 4000-5000 people. The extensive water supply network and the operation of four Water Treatment Works explains the significant cost associated with water supply on the island. More plants and longer pipe network systems present numerous problems. The island’s hills and valleys, mean that water has to be supplied through several radial water distribution networks - rather than a single circuit of piping. As such, if there is a fault upstream in the line it affects every house further down the radial water spine and supply cannot be diverted from elsewhere. A similar issue to this has to do with the spatial positioning of many houses on the island. Many houses are built with large parcels with areas of undeveloped land between them. Long lengths of pipe are needed to only serve two or three houses, rendering the installation and maintenance high. It is not only expensive to connect these houses to a network, but also raises the potential for dead water, where a number of unoccupied houses are found near the end of the pipeline. Upgrade of pipelines Historically, especially in Half Tree Hollow, pipes are not buried. Surface pipes can become brittle due to exposure to sunlight, and are at risk of external damage from vehicles, animals, etc. In recent years, we have taken on the monumental task of upgrading the water distribution network serving Half Tree Hollow which includes enlarging the network piping to allow for increased flow, provide for fire flow requirements through installation of fire hydrants at strategic positions and improve supply to the area. Additionally, all pipelines were buried underground. This protects the pipes from adverse weather conditions which increases the service life of the pipework. Supply
To apply for a branch line connection, please visit our Download Library for a printable application form or contact our offices at Seales Corner. Our terms and conditions of service accompany the application form. Water Supply Interruptions Sometimes we may need to cut off water supplies to residential or commercial areas around the Island. This may be primarily to undertake routine or unplanned repair works. But don’t worry - we will tell you before we do that either via the local media services, our Facebook page or this website. |
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