Connect Saint Helena Ltd would like to advise the public and residents in Half Tree Hollow that on Sunday, 2nd July from 6:30am Connect staff will be excavating across two sections of road, near White Wall and the junction near the Evergreen Tree. These works will allow staff to install a new pipeline and are a part of the programme of water network upgrades in Half Tree Hollow.
Whilst the roads will remain open for the duration of the work, vehicular traffic and pedestrians are asked to approach the work areas with caution and to adhere to any instructions given by staff working onsite as heavy plant and equipment will be in operation. Appropriate signage will also be in place. It is anticipated that works will be completed by 11am and Connect Saint Helena Ltd thanks the public for their cooperation whilst these essential works are being carried out. The Connect enquiry line at Seales Corner Office, 22255 can be contacted should customers have any queries. Connect Saint Helena Ltd would like to advise the public that a power outage has been scheduled for Wednesday 28 June 2023 affecting consumers from Woodlands, Horse Pasture, Head O’Wain, Barren Ground, Blue Hill, High Hill, Thompsons Wood, Fitzstevens Estate, Horse Ridge and West Lodge from 9:30am to 12:30am. This scheduled outage will allow Connect to replace a Stay Wire near Broad Bottom and to replace an Earth Cable at West Lodge.
Connect Saint Helena Ltd thank their customers for their cooperation during this time. The Connect enquiry line at Seales Corner 22255 can be contacted should customers have any enquiries. Connect Saint Helena Ltd would like to advise the public that they will be closed for business all day, this Friday 30th June 2023 for a Staff Development Day.
Any electricity, water or sewerage faults can be reported to telephone 22602. Normal services will resume on Monday, 3rd July 2023 from 08:30am. Connect would like to thank customers for their cooperation during this time. Connect Saint Helena Ltd would like to advise the public that they are continuing with their programme of water network upgrades.
Commencing Monday, 12th June, upgrade works will resume in Half Tree Hollow. Connect staff will be laying a new pipeline directly adjacent to the lower side of the main road from White Wall down to the Half Tree Hollow Community Centre. These works will not obstruct vehicular traffic but road users are kindly asked to adhere to any signage in place. Consumers in the vicinity of the works are also assured that these works will not have any negative impact on their water supply. However, should it become necessary to turn off the water at any time, consumers will be notified of this in advance. These essential works are anticipated to continue for a period of approximately six to eight weeks and Connect would like to thank the public in advance for their support and cooperation. The Connect enquiry line at Seales Corner Office, 22255 can be contacted should customers have any queries. Connect Saint Helena Ltd would like to advise the public that a power outage has been scheduled for Thursday 15 June 2023 affecting consumers from Hutt’s Gate Gardens, Hutt’s Gate Cistern and Longwood Road from 9am to 12pm. This scheduled outage will allow Connect to carry out Tree Surgery.
Connect Saint Helena Ltd thank their customers for their cooperation during this time. The Connect enquiry line at Seales Corner 22255 can be contacted should customers have any enquiries. Connect Saint Helena Ltd would like to advise the public that it is necessary to carry out emergency works due to a burst water main in Half Tree Hollow today Tuesday 6 June 2023.
Therefore consumers from White Wall to Three Tanks including the area of Happy Tots Creche, Solomon’s Bakery & Supermarket and Joshies will be without water with immediate effect. Connect Saint Helena Ltd thank their customers for their co-operation during this time. The Connect enquiry line at Seales Corner 22255 can be contacted should customers have any enquiries. |
October 2024